Ndis short term accommodation

NDIS Short-term Accommodation
Short term accommodation, or STA, is an NDIS program that offers flexible and temporary housing choices to people with disabilities. This service is intended to satisfy persons' immediate needs for brief periods of time. Furthermore, it addresses a variety of scenarios, such as emergency accommodation, respite care, and transitional periods when people may require temporary housing and support.

During their time at STA, NDIS participants might receive lodging, meals, and help with daily living responsibilities. Phomecare focuses on providing a safe and supportive environment for our customers in Melbourne. We can assist those with impairments, those suffering crises, and participants in need of temporary respite! We recognize that short-term lodging services play an important role in relieving individuals and their primary caregivers. During such difficult times, our support professionals make certain that individuals have access to a safe and comfortable living environment.

What is Short-Term Accommodation?
NDIS Short-term accomodation refers to a temporary stay for eligible participants. This assistance is especially useful in times of emergency or respite for primary caregivers who care for people with major disabilities. If a family member requires a break or more assistance, STA can help. This service offers temporary housing solutions to people with disabilities. That way, students will have a supportive and accessible environment. Phomecare is devoted to ensuring a smooth transition for our NDIS clients.

Who Has Access to Our NDIS Short Term Accommodation (STA)?
NDIS members who meet the eligibility criteria can get STA accommodations. It is important to highlight that STA is not intended to address housing difficulties, but rather to improve your disability-related support. If you find yourself in a crisis, such as unexpected caregiver unavailability or danger in your current home, STA may be a possible answer. We are here to assist you in determining the best solutions for meeting your disability support needs.

We may fund STA if your family or informal assistance cannot sustain you for an extended period.
There is a possibility that you will not require as much assistance in the future.
It helps to retain functional ability, increase independence, and facilitate participation in a variety of activities.
We do not reimburse STA for long-term lodging, as it falls under day-to-day living expenditures.
Accommodation for reasons other than your impairment, such as waiting for home improvements.


Short Term Accommodation (STA) by NDIS provides help to a wide spectrum of people with disabilities. Our short-term lodging offers a variety of features. Individuals who use our programs will find a supportive community environment. They can participate in skill-building activities and receive specialized support services to improve their overall well-being. Our support personnel provide a positive and enlightening experience for our NDIS customers.
Phomecare is one of the most reputable NDIS short-term accomodation providers. By delivering high-quality accommodation services, we hope to raise the bar for care. Furthermore, we prioritise each participant's comfort, inclusivity, and individualized support. To learn more about our services, please contact our team by calling 1800 571 955 or emailing [email protected].

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